Personal Styling

FREE Discovery Consultation

1. Choose your preferred date/time and submit the form

2. Natasha will be in touch by email with a video call invitation

3. Enjoy your free consultation!

What is a Discovery Call

The Discovery Consultation is a free-of-charge video call with Natasha, usually 15–30 mins, to get to know each other and discuss your styling needs.

Whichever service you wish to undertake, we’ll take some time to introduce each other—while it’s also an opportunity for Natasha to learn about your lifestyle, body, budget and other factors that might be useful for preparing your session.

Once you’ve submitted your form, Natasha will be in touch by email within 1–2 days with a Zoom invitation. If your preferred date/time is unavailable we will of course arrange another slot at your convenience.

The Discovery Consultation is a no-commitment, FREE service for all first-time customers and there is no obligation to book a service.

“Natasha’s knowledge, decisive views and happy, engaging personality will ensure an enjoyable, relaxing and rewarding experience for anyone.” — Jack

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